Saturday, July 17, 2010

Cindy. . .

She's one of my life-long friends. She's one of those women who makes me a better person, not because she's got it all together, but because she's so real and honest and loving and deep. She's loved me through some really big moments in the past seven years: losing my mom, infertility, pregnancy, motherhood, marriage, and so much more. She's prayed with me and for me and for my family. I didn't have the option of having my mom with me during labor and delivery. Cindy was there as my doula and friend. She was awesome. I can't even begin to explain the security I felt with her in the room. Today is Cindy's birthday and I'm grateful and honored to call her my friend. Cindy, you are beautiful and incredible and very loved. Happy Birthday from the southern hemisphere!!