Saturday, October 30, 2010

My Birthday. . .

Friday the 29th was my birthday. I had a really great day, from the time I woke up until my head hit the pillow! First, I slept in a little later than normal, but still woke up in time to snuggle on the couch with my husband before he left for work. After he left, I enjoyed a cup of Starbuck's Gold Coast. . .
. . . and along with a few good books and my journal.

I found simple truth in my reading and then saw my husband's creatively wrapped gifts sitting on the table.
He tore pages out from old scrapbook magazines.

Both gifts were music to my ears:)
The day before my birthday, I had my hair cut and my nails manicured for just under $15 total!! It's much easier to pamper myself here when it's so cheap!! Well, I dug my pretty nails into the yummy banana cake I had made the day before. Really, I just needed to use up some overripe bananas (the stash in the freezer is adding up), so I made a cake and said it was for my birthday. It wasn't nearly as good as my sister Janette's cake, which melted in my mouth, but it didn't go uneaten:) I got a little workout in and then showered before Kevin came home.

Kevin had planned to take the afternoon off. He came home and took Emma and me out for lunch. One thing I wanted to do for my birthday was go for a run with Kevin. Imagine his disappointment when, during lunch, it started to downpour (note the sarcasm in my statement). So, instead of running, he made another pot of coffee and we relaxed. Emma had a birthday party at school, so I took her for about two hours. I talked to my dad on the phone and at the end of our conversation, I told him I only wished I could have talked to Mom. Well, he started sharing stories about her and I ended up bawling for half an hour after the conversation. It was a good cry, though. I need those times of just remembering my mom and I love hearing stories about her. Of all the days I miss her, the feelings are the strongest on my birthday. I imagine that's in part because I wouldn't have a birthday had she not given birth to me:) She always remembered my birthday. In fact, her cards were always a day or two early, never late. Oh I how wish I could pick up the phone and call her and hear her voice. I'd love to give her a hug and just sit and ask her a thousand questions!
When Kevin came home after work, he brought some flowers with him! I can't remember the last time he bought me flowers. When we were dating, I told him not to buy them for me because I just don't care that much about them. Well, he gave the pot to Emma and she brought them to me. I just smiled. Tiger lilies. I couldn't believe how happy they made me feel. I just sat and stared at them. Memories of a very happy time in life came over me. I smiled. When we lived in the house on Bladensburg Road, we had tiger lilies in several places. I loved them! I loved our home. I love looking back at that time in our lives. Kevin said from now on, those will be my flower. Yay.
After we picked Emma up from school, we drove to Santa Rosa for a little bit of shopping and dinner. Because it was a torrential downpour, I only went into one store. . . Cacau Show. It's my favorite chocolate store here. Emma had fallen asleep on the drive, so I went in alone and picked out a few of my favorite chocolates (hazelnut, coffee and truffle). Then we went to Nacional and did a little bit of grocery shopping. Finally, we headed to Rockets, a little gem of a restaurant!!

Rockets serves hamburgers and fries, American-style!! I've never ordered a burger there, but Kevin gets one every time! I ordered an odd sandwich called the Marilyn and was pleasantly surprised! I also ordered a salad, not knowing how big it was going to be. I figured it was a side salad because the price was so low. When they brought our food to us, I about fell over. The salad was on a one-foot by one-foot plate, piled about six inches high. It was covered with ripe cherry tomatoes, hard-boiled quail eggs and bacon. Amazing!

We also ordered fresh fruit drinks. I had a kiwi/apple/grape drink and Kevin had something with papaya in it. I just loved being there! Emma had fun with the menus and crawling back and forth under the table. Because we're Americans, we were the only people in the restaurant. Normal Brazilians don't eat until after 9pm!! We used to feel awkward, but now it's just kind of nice to be alone when we go out!

I love my family. I felt so very special at the end of the day! I just enjoyed spending the afternoon and evening with my best friend and favorite little girl in the world. What a great day!!