Saturday, August 13, 2011

Class Reunion. . .

Here we are, thirteen years later:

Every five years, my high school hosts an all-class reunion. Every class from the beginning of the history of the school is invited to hold their reunion during one weekend in August. I love that they do that. It's convenient for families with more than one child; instead of the graduates coming home every year, we're all home once every five years. When I was in high school, I had this weird thought that I'd like to be the person who finds classmates several years out of high school, so I became the secretary of the class and assumed that role. The first two reunions, though, other classmates were living in my hometown and it was easier for them to take care of the planning process. A few months ago I received a note from an alumni association board member reminding me that it was my responsibility this year. I wondered how I would find the 73 graduating members of my class while living in Brazil, but it worked out well. I found most of them through Facebook and was happy to get responses from a majority of them. Almost half showed up at some point during the reunion weekend. I loved seeing familiar faces, even though I don't keep in contact with very many. One of my classmates lives in Goodland and offered to host the class party. The location was great, it was free, and there was plenty of space. We grilled burgers and everyone brought sides. There was so much food! The party was scheduled from 4-7pm. We finally turned off the lights and closed the doors around midnight. It was such a fun evening for me. I was bummed that Kevin and Emma weren't with me, but I was free to set up, clean up and just talk, which is something I really like to do:) There didn't seem to be any really awkward moments and I think everyone had a pretty good time. It's amazing how much my classmates look the same after thirteen years! So much has happened during those years. I realize that I know so little about these people, but it was fun to reminisce about the time when we felt like we knew each other well. I'm looking forward to the next reunion in five years!!