Tuesday, August 9, 2011

First Professional Haircut. . .

I've always been the hairdresser in my family. Shortly after we were married, Kevin suggested that I start cutting his hair. I've never had a lesson and I'm usually not impressed with the job I do, but he's happy and it's cheaper and more convenient than paying someone else to do it. After Emma was born, I refused to pay someone to cut 1/8 of an inch off her hair, so I started cutting her hair too. For the last four years, I've trimmed her hair about once ever two months and it's worked out well. Well, just before our trip, I decided she needed another trimming. It was cold in the bathroom and Emma had a hard time holding still. My scissors were dull and did I mention I've never had a lesson? I still don't really know what I'm doing! Half an hour later, Emma's head looked lopsided and I had cut almost two inches off her hair. I finally gave up and decided she'd wear a ponytail every day. Then nobody would notice! Fortunately, my sister Chris is a professional and offered to fix my hatchet job. I was a little nervous for Emma because it was something new and I kind of figured she'd freak out. When I was her age I had to sit on my sister's lap while I had my haircut. I'm still not sure why, but the hairdresser kind of freaked me out and I'd panic every time we went into her basement. (Maybe it was the fact that her salon was in a dark basement and I could smell the hint of cigarette smoke on her furniture??) Emma did get scared and there were a few tears shed during the hair washing, but overall, she did great. You can see her reaching for me in the photo above. She calmed down and ended up relaxing. Chris gave me a lesson while cutting Emma's hair so as not to botch it next time. I would have shown a picture of Emma with her hairdresser, but Chris made me promise not to take any pictures of her since she wasn't fixed up. For the same reason, I'm not in any of these pictures:)

Beautiful hair!!