Tuesday, October 18, 2011

We've Been Busy. . .

Kevin jumped off a mountain and went flying. . .

. . . and we just spent ten days with these awesome people! We are SO happy that Kevin's brother Steve came to visit us with Maggie and Emma's three cousins, Jakob, Noah, and Ben! More pictures to come, but probably later. It's a busy week here as we're getting ready to move! I'm not quite ready to move back to the U.S., although I'll be ready when it's time. This move is just across town. The owner of our house sold and we don't have a contract past the end of this month. Bummer. So, we're downsizing to a 2-bedroom apartment, which is strangely exciting to both of us. I love organizing and purging, so it's been a fun month of doing that! I think I secretly like the moving process, too. Something about figuring out how to arrange and live in a new place is kind of fun for me. Movers come Thursday and we're hoping to stay in our apartment Saturday night. Oh, the apartment isn't even near finished - the owner is remodeling - but he "says" it'll all be ready by the end of this week. No worries. There are now five other American families living here so maybe we can sleep on someone's couch:) Remember when I prayed and prayed for another American mom to join me??? Well, now there are several! Yay! Thanks God. Now, off to packing!