Saturday, November 19, 2011

Mini Mundo (Mini World). . .

After we left Canela, we drove back to Gramado for lunch under the Rua Coberta, or Covered Street. I had started feeling a little off during the short drive back, but I thought maybe it was because I was getting hungry. After all, I had only eaten popcorn the night before and then just fruit for breakfast. I ordered from the menu and then sat in my chair, hoping the queasiness in my stomach would pass. The longer I waited, the sicker I felt. Shortly after my lunch arrived, I realized I wasn't hungry, I was sick. I left the table and went back to the pousada, only a few blocks away. I decided to rest, hoping to head to Mini Mundo with everyone when they were finished with their lunch. Kevin called when they were done and I told him to go ahead. He and Emma went with the rest of the group and he took all the above pictures. About half an hour after he returned with Emma, I went into the bathroom and vomitted multiple times. Yep, I was sick. However, within five minutes of getting rid of everything in my stomach, I felt so much better! I felt really weak, but better. We went to dinner that night and I didn't have an appetite. I was so disappointed because we were at an Italian restaurant and I love pasta!! Nothing sounded appealing though, so I passed on everything. I couldn't stomach the thought of putting more food in my body. Apparently, I had overdone it with the fondue!! I think I learned my lesson. I decided to drink water and then I ate only fruit for breakfast the next morning. Seems like it took a few days to get back to normal, but I made it. I think that's the first vacation we've been on that I actually lost weight! NOT a fun way to do it! The day after I got sick, we drove back to Horizontina. It was a fun little weekend vacation and I enjoyed getting to spend time with two of the couples who've moved here recently.