Wednesday, December 7, 2011

FISK Teachers' Christmas Party. . .

Karin was Kevin's first language teacher here in Horizontina and she was my final teacher. Next month she'll be moving to Porto Alegre because her husband is being transferred there. Last Friday night we had a going away party for her at her apartment. The next night we had another party for all the language teachers from FISK. Every once in a while, I teach an English class for the language teachers, so I'm considered one of their "teachers". It was an interesting evening. The party started at 8pm, but like normal Brazilians, we didn't show up until 8:45. Fortunately, Emma had taken a 3-hour nap that afternoon, so I knew she'd be good to party for the night! We had a few snacks, but we didn't start eating dinner until almost 10pm. I think my mind is used to the late dinners, but physically, I just can't eat that late at night. I think my stomach decides to shut down and at some point, I'm just not hungry anymore. After dinner, we had a Secret Santa gift exchange. It was hilarious. For some reason, each person had to act out an animal that resembled their Secret Santa. People were getting on the ground, roaring, crawling, jumping, clucking, snorting, etc, without a shred of embarrassment!! I was thinking to myself that Brazilians are so different than Americans. That, or I just haven't been to a party like this in my life!! Dessert was served around midnight and then the dancing began. Shortly after, I decided I was exhausted and it was time to get our 4-year old in bed!! With all the Christmas parties in the next few weeks, I'm sure it won't be the last time she's up until midnight, but we'll try to limit it to once a week!!

The teachers. . .

Fernanda is Ivan's fiance. Ivan was one of my teachers and the only male at the language school for a long, long time. Fernanda is due at the end of this month so we put our pregnant bellies together.

I'm 29 weeks and she's 36 weeks:

My little party girl never seemed to tire. . .

Goofy girl. One moment she's calm and introverted and the next she's performing for the crowds! Guess she has a little bit of both her mom and dad in her!! She went to bed around 12:30 that night and only as her head was hitting the pillow did she say she was tired! We had a fun night, though. It was worth staying up for!!