Thursday, December 15, 2011

Our Bedroom. . .

More for the Brazilian memories than anything, here's our bedroom in our new apartment. We've been pretty happy with it. I think it helps that closets were already built in and we don't have to go to another room to get our clothing like we had been doing for the past two and a half years!! Go figure, I didn't even take a picture of the closets. It's so unusual here for homes or apartments to be built with closets that I was excited to move into this place! Within our bedroom, there are four massive closets. Almost everything we brought with us from our house fits into the closets, like clothing, bedding, craft supplies, scrapbooking, stamping stuff, instruments, files, decorations, and so much more. As much as we didn't really want to move, I had a good time organizing and finding a place for everything!

We've decided there are a few too many mirrors in the bedroom apartment. Nothing like a massive mirror to greet me every morning! I think I was better off when I didn't always have to see what Kevin was waking up to!! Now I feel like I wake up, look in the mirror and immediately apologize to him for the bedhead and smashed face look (as if it just started when we got mirrors)!! Good thing he didn't marry me for my looks:)

Well, last week we were getting into bed when Kevin asked me if I had shut the water off in the bathroom. I double-checked that the faucets were off. I crawled into bed next to him and we laid there listening. Ping! I stood up and went to one side of the room. Five minutes later, ping! I took four steps to the right and stood really still. Ping! I took three steps forward and waited for the next sound. We realized pretty quickly that the sound wasn't coming from the bathroom. Dang it. Finally, having determined that the sound was coming from somewhere above our bed, we decided to go to sleep because we knew there was nothing we could do at that hour. At midnight, Kevin woke me up asking for the earplugs. The pings were far enough apart that I had fallen asleep. However, when he woke me up for the earplugs, I noticed the sounds were much closer together. I grabbed my own set of sound-blockers and prayed that the wet ceiling wouldn't fall down on me during the night. When I woke up in the morning, Kevin had already left for work. I sat up in bed and heard, ping! ping! ping! ping! almost on the second. Something had been dripping in the ceiling all night! I went downstairs to the business below us and told one of the employees. He came up to see if he could figure out what was going on. In very fast Portuguese, he told me that the solar panels for the building are right above our bedroom and that one of them broke a while back and flooded the roof. Then he said not to worry. I rolled my eyes and said OK. He called a maintenance guy and the guy said he'd have to cut out a large section of our ceiling. I just smiled. Of course, I thought. We haven't even been here two months! Of course something like this would happen. I don't even have a way to explain how peaceful I was. I'm learning from previous lessons here in Brazil that it's easier to just go with the flow and not freak out rather than get upset. An hour later, the maintenance guy came in with a ladder and cut a much smaller hole than I had anticipated. I was in the kitchen with Emma when he came back and said everything was fixed. I was a little confused because I didn't hear anything going on from the back. Not sure what I expected, but it was so quiet back there that I wonder if he fixed the leak with duct tape. I mean, I know duct tape can be awesome and all, but I was expecting some noise to be made. So, we'll see. Anyway, then he said he'd return to repair the ceiling soon. He even told me he be back before 2:30pm. That was about a week ago.

Here's the finished product, at least for the time being. No more pings!