Saturday, February 18, 2012

Lago Azul with the Americans. . .

Back in January, a bunch of ex-pats got together and drove to Lago Azul. We had 5 Zafiras (the Brazilian version of the mini-van) caravanning to Santo Cristo. Quite a site. The Zafira had not been a common car to see, but with all the "big" families moving to Horizontina, we see them way more often. By "big" family, the Brazilians think anyone with more than 2 kids qualifies! We were happy to spend time with the other Americans and I think the kids really liked the park. A few of us went on the chairlift that went over the park. I actually thought it was pretty neat. I was a little scared that it wouldn't bring me back, but it worked!! Below are Scott and Ethan and Tami and Isaac, one of the couples and two of their three kids.
At the end of the day, just before the rain came, I took several of the kids through the dinosaur valley. It wasn't really all that exciting, but I think the kids had fun seeing the giant dinosaurs. Above are Daniel, Ethan, Ella, Isaac, and Josie. Three of the cars left and drove home while Scott and Tami and our family stopped in Tucunduva for some pizza. It was a different style of pizza and very worth the stop. We sat outside under a tin roof as the rained poured down. I really enjoyed that day and that evening and getting to spend time with English-speaking friends.