Sunday, February 12, 2012

Little Miss Adri Ann. . .

We welcomed Adri Ann Schrag into our family on Wednesday afternoon, February 8th, at 4:45pm. She weighed 7 pounds and was 19 inches long. Adri was born in Santa Rosa, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, about 40 minutes from where we live in Horizontina. Emma was able to come to the hospital about three hours later to see her little sister. Our American friends Matt and Courtney have been incredible and took care of Emma while we were away. We were so thankful they were able to come to the hospital to see us and bring Emma to see the baby sister she's been waiting such a long time for. We were especially thankful because we were discharged from the hospital less than sixteen hours after Adri was born!! Definitely there are some differences here in Brazil!

We are so grateful for a healthy little girl and we are in awe of God's miracles. We have two little miracles in our home now and our hearts are full. There's so much more to share, in pictures and in words, but this is it for now. Time to snuggle with our new baby girl!

P.S. Adri is pronounced like "Audrey", but is spelled the Brazilian way. After all, she is a little brasileira!!