Thursday, November 1, 2012

Wiebe Fun. . .

The only thing that could have made this weekend any sweeter was to have the Kanes here, too. The Wiebes were here for three nights in the middle of October and I loved every second of it. At one point, I was here with all five kids by myself. We went for a walk and I saw many people staring at me. The oldest is 8. Then 6, 5, 4, and 8 months. They all have fair skin and strawberry blond or red hair. They very well could have been siblings! They played so well together that I didn't really see Emma during their stay!!
I love that God has woven our lives together and continues to do so, even though we've both lived in another country for the past several years. North America, South American, Asia. . . what's next?? We're just thankful for the ability to keep in touch and love each other on this journey.
It's pretty exciting to have a child old enough to be the photographer! Here we are, Kevin and me with Diane and Chris! Love the Wiebes!!!
Friends (probably for life)

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