Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Dinner in Munich (gag). . .

It was very important for Kevin to experience Bavarian food so we went looking for a very "traditional" restaurant. I'm still not sure if it was traditional or not. He ordered pork and sauerkraut. Mmmm. See how happy he is?? I ordered a meatloaf and potatoes, thinking I'd try something traditional as well. OK, my dish was seriously a hotdog in the shape of a meatloaf with the edges browned, so as to appear that it had been baked in a pan and not taken out of a meatloaf-shaped can. It tasted worse than a hotdog, though. It was rubbery and squishy and nasty. I ate about two bites. I was so hungry but I just couldn't stomach it. I'm really not a picky eater, but canned, meatloaf-shaped hotdogs just aren't on my list of edible foods.
As if that wasn't bad enough, there was more. On the table was a basket with giant pretzels in it. They didn't look that appetizing, so we didn't go for them, knowing they were probably extra on the bill anyway. Well, after not being able to eat my nasty meatloaf, I decided we should splurge and share one of the rockhard pretzels. We couldn't even eat the whole thing because it was so hard. So, disappointed, we asked for the bill, thinking we'd at least be able to get a good dessert somewhere else. The waitress came and started to write our bill and then asked us how many pretzels we had eaten. We told her one and she left to print the bill. When she came back, she asked us again how many pretzels we had eaten and we showed her our finger and said, "One." We even said it in German (because we both remember a tiny bit from high school!). She then began talking to some other people close to us and then turned to us and accusingly said, "Two. You ate two, huh?" like we had purposely lied and eaten an extra pretzel and didn't want to pay for it. Her English wasn't great and our German certainly sucked, so we just held up one finger and tried to make her believe us. In the end, we paid for one pretzel, but we left feeling like she viewed us as thieves. It was such an awful feeling. I wanted so badly to explain to her that the pretzels weren't good enough to eat two of them and the hotdog meatloaf was disgusting as well, but I didn't. I hung my head and walked out, feeling kind of embarrassed, even though I had done nothing wrong.
Well, to make a depressing day better, we found a dessert shop and bought a piece of chocolate cake to share, along with some yummy espresso. Not all the heavy feelings of the day disappeared, but at least we were able to hold hands and smile at each other and feel love from one another. Love goes a long way, you know? A very, very long way.

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