Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Emily and Jack's Wedding. . .

We were so excited to get to go to Emily Huegel's wedding. We've known Emily's family for ten years now. She was a teenager in the youth group at our church in Ottumwa and we were in a small group with her parents. Her dad is a Deere employee, too, so we've kept in touch since they left Ottumwa several years ago. Tony and Deb are two of the greatest people we've met and we greatly respect them and their parenting. They have three amazing daughters and Emily is the oldest.
We have never met Jack, but I felt like we got to know him just a little bit that evening. The ceremony was just incredible. The pastor gave a powerful message that all married couples should hear (young and old), and Emily was just giddy the entire service. It was as if she just couldn't wait for the pastor to pronounce them husband and wife! I loved watching her anticipation and excitement and I was inspired to be more giddy in my own marriage! I have an amazing husband an sometimes I get a little lazy and forget to just let him know how happy I am that we are together!
Emma loved the wedding and was so excited to see Emily in her dress. She said she looked like a princess!
After the wedding. . .

Our little ballerina, dancing in the parking lot. . .
My groom. . . ten years later!!
We were all pretty excited about the cupcake tower! The appetizers were uh-mazing!
I think Emma would have clung to Emily all night if she could have!
I am so proud of who she has become. It was really touching to hear her and Jack's story and to watch them love each other. Their wedding verse was I John 4:10, "We love because He first loved us." Each of the fathers shared something and I was just full of awe, hoping that we can raise Emma to know God, love God, love others, and then be loved by someone who mirrors that. Jack and Emily were a beautiful picture of that and their parents were just grateful for their kids' choices and for God's blessings on their families. Such a cool night for me.
Just as we were leaving, the single girls lined up for the bouquet toss. Emma ran over to the group and stood waiting patiently for Emily to throw her flowers. I had to explain the tradition to her after we left. She thought it was a little silly, but she said it was fun anyway!
Congratulations Jack and Emily!!

1 comment:

Beth Hoden said...

Hi! I'm one of Julie Wigle's friends from Luther and have been reading your blog off and on for a few years. I was just scrolling down and saw this post and had to look! Emily was one of my former and favorite students when I taught Spanish at PV. She had just moved there (8th grade) my first year teaching and I coached her little sisters in volleyball! Can't believe I'm old enough to have one of my former students get married! Thanks so much for posting. My husband also works for Deere and Tony is someone he definitely looks up to as well. Such a small world! Anyway...I had to comment on this post!