Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Harvest. . . (finally)

Two weeks after we returned from Germany, we made a last-minute decision to drive back to Kansas for harvest. We haven't been home for harvest in Moundridge since we've been married, so we figured it was finally time! We told Emma we were going on a long trip but we didn't tell her where we were headed. When we arrived at the farm just before midnight, Emma woke up and squinted through her tired eyes. When she realized where we were, she had the happiest look on her face. She was beside herself! Adri, on the other hand, took one look at her grandparents and started wailing! We're pretty sure she thought we were going to leave her again! She clung to me and refused to let go.
The next morning, Kevin left to help drive truck while the girls and I helped at home. Emma snapped green beans with her great grandma. It's fun to see her get so excited about farm life. She loves the garden and the kittens in the barn. She had so much fun running around and playing in the wheat truck and riding the tractor and combine. Many times now she's said she wishes we lived closer to Grandma and Grandpa!
Emma rode the tractor with Uncle Tim and Aunt Bethany. . .
She adores Tim and Bethany. Adri loves them, too!
There's my man! It was fun watching him drive truck and then getting to ride with him. One of the highlights of my summers growing up was being a part of harvest. I loved riding in the combines and trucks even as a little girl.
One of the most beautiful sights in the world. . .
After church Sunday morning, we stopped near a wheat field for some family pictures. The girls were not in a picture-taking mood, so we didn't get the pic I was hoping for.
I loved this picture until my little brother said it looked like I was taking a dump in the wheat field. No, I wasn't doing that.
Love. This.
I am SO happy she got to play in the wheat!! I can still remember the feeling of the wheat between my toes! I could have played in the wheat all day as a little girl!
Gracie is Kevin's cousin's daughter. She and Emma had a blast together!
These pictures below are precious to me. She just looks like she's in her own world, enjoying the warm sun on her shoulders. Her hair is the color of ripened wheat. Beautiful.
When I need to go to a calm place in my mind, this is what I picture. . . eyes closed, standing in a wheat field with my arms stretched out, fingertips gracing the ripe wheat, sun on my face. This is so peaceful to me.
Hard-working grandparents are loved by their granddaughters!!
Our fam. . .
If you look really closely, you can see Kevin's brother Jon with his face plastered to the window, likely making a lovely face for me! I had no idea he was posing for me until several weeks later when he mentioned it.
Kansas sunset. . .
Waiting for the next load, enjoying the sunset. . .
I love the sight of the wheat falling forcefully into the truck.
Uncle Jon and Emma Jae
Leaving Kansas. . . hoping to go again next year!
It was an awesome trip and we are so happy we went, even though it was short and the driving time was long. The girls loved being on the farm and Kevin was so happy to help his dad and brothers with harvest. I'm hoping this becomes an annual trip now that we're back in the U.S.!!

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