Thursday, September 19, 2013

Yep. . . That's Life. . .

It was a simple picture. I was just trying to text Kevin a picture of his girls on his birthday. Later, as we were looking at this photo, we both laughed at how much their personalities showed up! First off, Adri is on the move. . . you can tell from the blurriness of her body. She is constantly on the go. From the moment I walk into her bedroom in the morning until the moment she falls asleep for a nap, she is 110% all the way! She is a.c.t.i.v.e.!!!! Emma, on the other hand, is in focus. She's the one who stops to smell the flowers and appreciate the little things in life. She poses for pictures:) She usually thinks before she acts and has a plan for most things. Second, Emma, our safe little planner, is wearing a helmet. In the house. Well, she had been riding her bike earlier that morning, but the truth is, she kind of needs a helmet wherever she goes. Agility isn't her strength. She falls almost daily and needs lots of love and comfort. Adri isn't wearing a helmet and probably just hit her head on the wood floor after she did a somersault off the couch after climbing up the side of it. She also happens to be running while holding something in her mouth. It could be her fingers, but I doubt it. That would be too safe! Some days I cannot believe how different these girls are!! I'm so thankful for both of them and laugh every time I look at this picture!

1 comment:

Julie said...

That post makes me laugh (and reminds me of my life)! Isn't it amazing how different they are?! Enjoying your updates....miss you!