Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Before the Rain. . .

Emma and I went to the park last week and played for about an hour. About 5 minutes after we got home, the downpour started. When it rains here, it really pours. I've never seen a light rain and it's impossible to go anywhere without an umbrella, unless you want to become drenched!! Growing up in western Kansas, where it rarely rains, I've come to love the sight, sound, and smell of the water from the sky!
I remember watching my friend Kristen's daughter Lilly swing on her tummy. Never did I think Emma would attempt it without some coaxing. Well, not only did she do it, she thought to do it on her own!! I was so cautious at first. Then I realized how comfortable she was and I lightened up a little bit! I have to admit, I think her way of swinging is actually safer, considering the equipment at the park!! I was actually pleasantly surprised though; all the equipment had been fixed and painted and it looked very clean. Not necessarily safe, but clean!!
My little Super Woman!!
Contemplating something??

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Pretty, pretty pictures!

This opposite season stuff really throws me! We are bundling up more and more and you guys are hanging at the park and swimming in the pool...weird!