Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween. . . or Not. . .

Well, we did absolutely nothing for Halloween. Just thought I'd let you all know:) I had every intention of dressing Emma up in her princess costume and taking pictures, but I didn't do it! It was almost 100 degrees here and she ran around with just a pair of shorts on most of the day. We only have air-conditioning in our bedrooms, so the house was H-O-T!! Just the thought of making her wear that dress made me sweat, so I opted not to do it! Halloween is not really celebrated here, so we didn't miss much. The kids who take English classes had a small party and they learned a little more about the holiday. However, all the kids we saw had black makeup smeared down their faces and they were wearing black capes and black clothing and the girls were all witches!! No fairies, no Tiggers or Poohs, no cute little bunnies, or anything cute for that matter! It just seemed so dark. There are no pumpkins, no pumpkin patches, no falling leaves or piles of leaves, no pumpkin-spice lattes, no pumpkin-anything, and it's H-O-T, so it just didn't feel right to be celebrating. We played in the pool instead!! However, IF we had celebrated at all, Emma would have been a princess, and an awfully beautiful one at that!!
On a side-thought, it was around this time a year ago that we learned about this opportunity in Brazil. For whatever reason, I wasn't able to take Emma to the pumpkin patch last year. My mother-in-law was trying to encourage me and said, "That's OK. She can go to the pumpkin patch next year." And that's when and how we told Kevin's parents about Brazil. I looked at Kevin and then at Marcy and said, "I'm not sure if they have pumpkin patches in Brazil!" I think she almost fainted after that comment!! We are so very thankful for the support they've given us over the last year! Thank you thank you thank you!!


Unknown said...

I'd take playing in the pool any day!

Karla said...

I can't believe it's been six months already! And I agree with Autumn, playing in the pool would have been nice. Stay cool!