Monday, November 23, 2009

Move Over Martha. . .

A few weeks ago I pulled out my sewing machine. It's been forever since I've used it, and it was time! I had a few things that needed mending, but mostly I just wanted to make bean bags for Emma. My lines are a little crooked and the bags aren't exactly square, but Emma loves them and I'm excited about my finished product!!
A little machine. . . some leftover material. . .
A few black beans. . .
I'm so happy black beans are cheap here! It took about 1/2 a bag of black beans to make one bean bag!! Oh, we eat these several times a week now. . . with rice. It's amazing how normal it is. . . beans, rice, salad, maybe some chicken or meat. Mmmm. . .
A little bit of thread. . . a little bit of time. . .
A handy-dandy tiny pair of FISKARS. . .
I love these scissors! Not just any tiny pair of FISKARS, but the same pair that my mom used during her countless hours of sewing quilts. I love that my maiden name is written on these scissors in her handwriting!! Something about sewing makes me feel close to my mom. I have a gazillion questions to ask her, but I can't. Rather than be sad though, I'm going to be happy and thankful that I learned what I did from her!
Pronto!! (Ready!!) Yes, watch out Martha Stewart. . . next up, curtains!! OK, not really. I've never cared much for curtains. Maybe I will like them eventually, but curtains are just one decoration I've never really taken a liking to. I think they're cute in other people's homes, but well, ya. However, I am hemming some pants and mending some shirts and maybe I'll try to be more creative. For now, I'm proud to annouce SUCCESS with four little bean bags:)

1 comment:

Kanes said...

you're so fun to listen to sandi. nice bean bags - great idea! i might have to steal that one sometime. miss u & can't wait to see you soon! ames