Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Play Date. . .

Isabelle and Emma Jae

While we were in Porto Alegre a few weeks ago, we had a play date with Isabelle and her mom. They lived in Horizontina until July, when they moved to the city. It was a strange day, but very good. We met at a really nice park and the girls played for a few hours while Lucyene and I talked away. She knows some English and I know some Portuguese, so we didn't have a dull moment!! I love watching Emma play with other little girls, even ones who are two years older than her. She has such an admiration for them and I can just see the little wheels turning in her mind! Our play dates are few and far between here, so we are very thankful for the times we do have. The strange part about the day was that Lucyene and I connected because we are both foreigners at this point. She and her family recently moved to the city and they know very few people, certainly no one she could call and have a play date with. It felt odd to me, to be connecting with her, to know that I really understood her and she really understood me. We had lunch together at her home and the girls played for a few more hours. She drove us back to our hotel and Emma and I both took naps. I smiled before I fell asleep. I'm so thankful for the fun times we get to have. What used to be so normal (play dates with other moms) is not so normal here and I really do cherish the time when we have it. I'm pretty sure Emma loves it too!

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