Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Birthday Par-taaay. . .

On Saturday evening we went to a birthday party for a little boy who lives close to us. His dad works with Kevin and we've spent some time talking to the parents. I've only been to one other birthday party and it was a week after we arrived here, almost 7 months ago! Birthday parties here are quite a celebration! Murilo, the birthday boy, turned two, but it was a bigger party than I've ever had in my life!! There were hundreds and hundreds of balloons, tons of little toys for the kids to play with, a professional photographer to capture all the fun moments, two clowns, waiters to serve drinks and toothpick foods, candy and sweets, a birthday cake, and a video of the first two years of Murilo's life!! It was quite amazing! It was also very normal for here!
The birthday boy is in the middle. Emma is on the right. This was the first time she wasn't quiet and intimidated by other kids or strange people! She jumped right in and played wherever she wanted to play and she had a great time the whole three hours we were there!!

Once the clowns learned Emma spoke English, they were so excited to get her to talk. They played with her most of the evening and she had a blast with them!

Murilo, with the sunglasses, was the birthday boy. He is a doll! He's one of the sweetest little boys I know and he just played and played and smiled all night long! There were two balloon arches at the party. I'm thinking we might have to do that for one of Emma's birthdays here!! We had a really great time at the party!

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