Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas Party #2. . .

After we left the birthday party, we went to another Christmas party. This one was for Kevin's whole department of Supply Management. There were probably a few hundred people there. Tons of kids, tons of food, tons of laughs.
Emma is no longer timid! She's decided that she enjoys being the center of attention and she had a blast dancing around at the party! I have mixed emotions with her new sense of independence. I love watching her grow and mature and make friends and be confident in new situations, and yet I miss her need for me. I knew it was coming and it'll be OK. She's growing up and I kind of feel like it's happened overnight.

Part of Kevin's team eating more churrasco. . . The food at the party was really really good! The chicken was moist and yummy and the salad was awesome.

Adilson and Ivone came from Montenegro to attend the party. Adilson is Kevin's boss and we've really had a great time getting to know their family! The first time I met Ivone, I couldn't communicate but a few short sentences. We had a great time talking on Saturday night and it made me realize how far I've come with my language!

Another Santa, another gift! Emma waited patiently while he gave tons of other kids their gifts. She received a princess camera and a huge bag of candy and chocolate! She loves the camera. . . I love the chocolate!
I had very good intentions of leaving the party by 9, but it just didn't happen. I'm so much more flexible than I was a year ago. Part of that I like, part of it I hate. Emma was such a happy little girl, dancing around the floor, playing with other kids, eating, playing and laughing! We left the party after 11 and we were all in bed around midnight! Yikes! We're becoming more and more Brazilian!!!