Sunday, December 6, 2009

This Little Light of Mine. . .

Emma came running out of my room yelling, "Mommy! Look at my pretty new hat!" It was hilarious to me because it brought back memories. One Halloween, just before Kevin and I started dating, he showed up to a party wearing a bright yellow sweater, a lampshade duct taped to a hat on his head, and a flashlight taped to the lampshade. Yep, he was a lamp. Not just any lamp, but the bright orange lamp he had found at Grandma's Trunk in Manhattan. And I fell in love with that lamp:) And we created a little lamp. And that's our love story.
PS That lamp made it to Iowa with us. It made it to our second home. It did not make the cut for the move to Brazil. It's in storage and I'm sure Kevin will gladly welcome it back into our family one day. I won't, but he will.