Thursday, January 7, 2010

Tim & Bethany's Wedding. . .

Since I have no clue how I'd post over 500 photos from the wedding and how I'd write all the fun details of the day, I'll just make it simple: Tim and Bethany were married and it was a beautiful, fun, really happy day!

Beautiful colors

Fun programs
They were married in the same church Kevin and I were married in (and one week before our anniversary), so it was kind of sentimental for me to watch Bethany go through the same day as I had just seven years ago. I loved reminiscing! The cross at the front of the sanctuary is just incredibly awesome!
Beautiful bride. Bethany designed the jewelry for the women in the wedding to wear! She's so creative and talented at everything she does!
The kiss!!
Mr. and Mrs. Tim and Bethany Schrag
Robert and Marcy and the oldest brother, Jon.
Steve (second oldest) and Maggie with Noah, Ben and Jakob. Our family too!!
One of the cutest and most creative aspects of the wedding was the exit! The bride and groom donned Carhart's over his tux and her gown, climbed into the 4555 John Deere getaway tractor and sped off into the dark! A fairy tale ending!!
After the wedding and main reception, we all drove to Newton and Reba's and celebrated a little more with the newlyweds! All the brothers were there and it was just fun to see them all interact! When I met Tim, he was still in high school, so it's just been a really neat experience for me to watch him grow through college and after into a man and now a husband!
My family!! Maggie & Steve, Bethany & Tim and us (Jon had already left). We had a great time with family that day and I just loved pretty much every minute of it! I loved watching Bethany's face when she looked at her new husband. I love watching Tim gaze and smile at her with love! The love they have for each other is very evident and I'm really excited to be part of the journey their taking together! Welcome to the family Bethany!!