Monday, February 22, 2010

Unwanted Visitors. . .

Peek-a-Boo (Do you see him?)
Last night I walked into the kitchen to fill my water bottle. I flipped on the light and immediately saw something dark scurry under the fridge. Yes, scurry. Not fly. I'm pretty much accustomed to random things flying through our house, especially in the evenings. This thing scurried. I turned off the light and waited. He fell for it and slowly slithered out from under the fridge.
NO! Not in my house! Well, yes, in my house. What's new?
I think he (or she) was a rather vain little critter. I caught him looking at his reflection. Kevin updated his status on facebook (yes, we do facebook. Please still be our friends.) It read, "1 sign that we have adjusted to life in Brasil: Sandi is more interested in getting a picture of the lizard, than getting him out of our kitchen." How true. How very true. I did the best I could with the lighting and his speed, but then I went to bed. I left him under our fridge and I didn't think twice about where he was heading next. I'm not really sure I care all that much. Oh, how life has changed over the last ten months!!
Some critters however, are not welcome and I wouldn't go to sleep if I knew they were alive in my house. This guy is one of them. Today we walked out next to the pool and I looked down into the water. Occasionally leaves will blow into the pool (or a two-year old will throw rocks into it) and I'll have to fish those items out. Well, I asked Kevin what it was and he said, "Probably a leaf." I looked closer. Nope, not a leaf. Certainly, NOT A LEAF! Kevin grabbed the net and lifted him out of the water. After confirming he was dead, Kevin (with a bit of sarcasm) said, "Better get your camera." Funny. I was already on my way. I took a picture and went back inside, satisfied to have proof for my blog post. A few minutes later, I went back out to check on the intruder. He was gone! It gives me the eebie-jeebies to think about where he could be. So as not to lose any sleep though, I'm going to believe that he really was dead and that some giant troop of ants carried him off for their dinner. That just makes me feel a whole lot better, especially because he was about five inches long.