Saturday, March 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Leah!!!

Little Friends
Emma's little friend Leah turned 3 today! They've been friends for almost 3 years. Her birthday reminds me that Emma's 3rd birthday is only two months away! Yikes!! These little girls are growing up way too fast!! We hope you have a really great day Leah!! Happy Birthday!


Karla said...

Thanks you guys. We wish you were here to help us celebate. Someday our girls will be able to celebrate their birthdays together, I just know it. I love the picture of the two of them kissing. Miss you lots.

Anonymous said...

Yeah!! Comments are back! :) Happy Birthday Leah- very sweet Sandi! ~Jen

Anonymous said...

A couple of cuties! How darling.

Happy Birthday....not belated, but between....Leah and Emma. Love, Marsha