Friday, March 12, 2010

The Power Went Out (Again). . .

I came home from class Thursday morning and the garage door wouldn't open. It didn't take long for me to figure out the power was out. It's actually been a while since that's happened, but it's always a bummer because we never know how long it'll be out. We can't call Alliant and report an outage and even if someone told me when it would be on, I'd have to add a few hours (or days) onto that number for it to be realistic. Fortunately I wasn't stuck in the house, though. We have an electric garage door, but there's no way to manually open it, so when the power is out, the only option is to wait until it's on. Emma and I drove to Deere to pick Kevin up for lunch and this is what we found on our way back home:
This is about half a mile from our house (right around the corner from your old house Cortney), and it explained why the power was out.
The funny thing is that this was the only wooden telephone pole in a line of about ten of them. Our power was out for about six hours and came on in the late afternoon. This morning when we drove by, the bus was gone and a concrete pole had been erected in place of the wooden pole. Interesting.

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