Friday, April 2, 2010

Bariloche, Argentina. . .

Mirador, a point overlooking Lake Traful
Lovin' our little girl

She was sp happy. . . we let her throw rocks in the water at Lake Traful. It was such a peaceful area. I wanted to lay in the sand and take a nap.
On our third day in Bariloche, we rented a car and drove north and west to view more of the lake area. It was so beautiful.
We drove to the top of Mount Otto one afternoon. The view was incredible. Kevin decided to climb a little higher and as he was exploring the rocky area, I began praying that his feet would be planted in the perfect place with each step. There were no guardrails, no fences, not even a CAUTION! sign. He was careful and my blood pressure dropped back down to normal when I could touch him again!
Punto Panoramico, a view of the beautiful lakes and mountains around Bariloche.
Quick stop along our lake tour (Emma didn't take this photo. . . just in case anyone's wondering.)
Meow. Meow. Random stray cat on the road.

Hanging out at the Hidden Lake

Lago Escondido (Hidden Lake). A beautiful mirror.
Lake Nahuel Huapi on a very windy day.
I love this view. Beautiful church.

E is for Emma
Bariloche, Argentina is located near the Chile/Argentina border in the Andes Mountains. There's a ski resort there so Brazilians like to go there to see snow. We spent one day just exploring the city and the shops along the main avenue. I bought some of the most amazing chocolate ever! Then I went back the next day and bought some more. Um, and then I bought some more the day before we left. It lasted us a few days. We walked and hiked and relaxed and enjoyed our vacation. I even went for a run one evening! The weather was perfect. Our summer is coming to an end and we're looking forward to the cooler weather of fall. It was so nice to get a sneak-peek of what's to come and to wear jeans and sweatshirts and jackets while we enjoyed the cool mountain air! Unfortunately, I didn't have Emma try her clothes on before we left, so almost every pair of pants I packed for her were about 3 inches too short!! She's been growing like a weed and gaining weight like crazy since Christmas! Good thing I stocked up on winter clothes for her while I was home:) She loves to tell me she's a big girl now. Then she names a few big girls that she's fond of. She'll say, "Mommy, I'm big like Skylar and Jessi and Cinderella and Abuela." (OK, the last two are fictional characters, but they are big girls! FYI - Abuela is a friend of Dora's.) Anyway, our vacation went by way too quickly, but we were grateful for the time we had together! After Emma went to bed at night, we watched Law & Order and CSI (in English!) and loved that we could have a little taste of home with us!


Ben Duell said...

frieking gorgeous. how fun. i bet there are huge fish in them there waters.

Ben Duell said...

oh i almost did you find that lake if it is hidden?

Anonymous said...

Awesome Sandi! So happy you had a wonderful and beautiful vacation!
"Abuela" is actually Dora's grandma-I think the word is actually "grandma" in spanish??! Emma sure is growing up quickly! :)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely amazing pictures. I'm so glad you got to take a vacation and you got to experience this place. Marcy