Monday, April 5, 2010

Daughter Date. . .

Fresh-squeezed orange juice

It seems like the days just drag by when Kevin's traveling. Those are the hardest weeks for me as an ex-pat mommy. I like my husband. Let me rephrase that: I love my husband. I enjoy his company and I miss him when he's gone. His daughter misses him too. Lately, I've been trying to find ways to make the time pass more quickly. I also want to make the most of our time here and not be sad every week he's gone! Some weeks are easier than others but I've recognized that if I have things planned for Emma and me, the time seems to just fly by! There's a little bakery called Zelandia's and they make the best fresh-squeezed orange juice in town! Sometimes I get a little crazy and ask them to mix fresh pineapple in with the orange. Oh man!! It's pretty amazing. I've decided that Emma and I need Zelandia dates more often when Kevin's out of town. Most of the time we go in the morning after I'm done with class and sometimes we go in the evening to order supper. Supper usually includes a fried egg and cheese sandwich along with some salgadinhos, which are like tiny, salty little hot pockets filled with chicken and cheese. (Whenever I order them, I quietly sing the Hot-Pockets tune to myself. Then I remember all the dumb jokes Jim Gaffigan told about the hot pockets and I smile.) I love our mommy-daughter dates and it's nice for both of us to get out of the house. This week, Kevin is home, so I'm not sure we'll make it there. Then again, this post is making my mouth water for some fresh O.J.!!


Julie said...

I love mommy/daughter dates! Especially when something delicious is involved, like that OJ! :) Glad you are finding some fun things to do. Hope Kevin is home for awhile!!!

Anonymous said...

I could go for a Grandma/Emma date right now. Guess I'll have to wait a while. Love you! Marcy

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, I forgot about the yummy salgadinhos. We loved those. :)