Thursday, April 15, 2010

Me and My Llama. . .

It's stuck in my head and it won't go away. So I taught it to Emma. Then I showed her the Sesame Street video on YouTube (a few times). Now she's in her room singing, "Me and my llama, me and my llama, we're going to the dentist today-ay-ay-ay. . ." She's supposed to be asleep. Oops. Thanks a lot Sesame Street.
PS - If you watch the video as an adult, it's still pretty funny. The little girl (totally unaccompanied by an adult) has a scary mullet and is walking her llama to the dentist (because most 8-year old girls in NYC have pet llamas who need their teeth cleaned.) Wonder who was on the planning committee for that video??
Happy Tax Day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't believe I actually just went to Youtube and watched that video, I remember it now. Oh my gosh, did you notice after they left the dentist the people on the street are looking at the llama and little girl. I bet their thinking "what is that little girl doing walking a llama out of a dentist office in NYC" Too Funny!!