Friday, April 9, 2010

Special Grandmas. . .

While we were on vacation in Argentina, some very special women in our lives had birthdays. First, Grandma Marcy - I love this picture. It just makes me smile and smile and smile. There's a fun story behind this picture and the whole Schrag family smiles when they think of it. We love you Grandma and we're soooooo thankful for you. We miss you a ton and can't wait for your visit!! Happy be-lated birthday!
Then Great-Grandma Anne. This is one of my favorite pictures of her with Emma. They were both laughing and having so much fun together. We love you so much Grandma Anne!! Hope you had a great day! Happy be-lated birthday Great Grandma!!

And today is Great-Grandma Hilda's birthday!! Again, one of my favorite pictures! She was reading a story to Emma and they were both having such a good time!
I am so thankful for Grandma and Great-Grandmas. You women are an incredible blessing in our lives and we miss you so much. Emma says HAPPY BIRTHDAY and Feliz Aniversario to you all!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Thank you. Even though you are so far away I feel your love right here, and I love you right back. Tonight we took Grandma Hilda to the Bread Basket to celebrate her 93rd birthday. Tomorrow Rob is taking me to the Wichita Art Museum to see a Norman Rockwell exhibit to celebrate mine...that's real love I think. Not the place Robert would choose to go to. I'm excited. Marcy