She looks like a little porcelain doll.

Definitely one of my favorites!!
Our very-blue-eyed beautiful girl, so grown up!!
Loved the coloring on this one.

I feel like she has a little bit of attitude in this picture. I'm so in love with the dress!! I had three outfits picked for Emma to wear for her photo shoot. The photographer had other plans. I'm so happy she did! The dress Emma is wearing is a traditional dress worn by the young gaucho girls in our state. Rio Grande do Sul is very proud of its history and they celebrate in many ways. Gaucho is a term that refers to the cowboys of South America. During the celebrations, the girls wear these fancy dresses and the men and boys wear gaucho pants, a button-up shirt and bandana around their neck, and also a certain type of hat. More on that later. I'm really excited to have these pictures of Emma to remind us years from now of our time here!
In another 11 days, Emma will celebrate her third birthday. Since she hasn't been to many birthday parties, she doesn't have a huge opinion as to what she'd like to do. However, last night, I asked her, "Emma, what would you like to do for your birthday?" She said, "Um, I'd like to have a tea party." "Oooh, that sounds fun! Who would you like to invite to your tea party?" "Daddy." "Just Daddy??" "Yes, just Daddy."
Kevin's traveling this week, so I told him about our conversation after Emma went to bed. His response, "Wow." Yes, wow. I love that she loves her daddy so much. He's pretty special. It seems like lately she's more aware of his absence. I'm not really sure how to handle that. I feel like I'm just getting to the point where I'm OK with it, not loving it, but OK with it. We really love the time when he's home. . . yes, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Anyway, that's all.