Wednesday, June 9, 2010

13? Really???

My sweet niece Alison is turning 13 today!! I can't believe it! I changed her diapers when she was a baby!! Now she's a teenager?? When did that happen?
I had secret plans of her becoming my live-in nanny, and had we not moved to another hemisphere, that might have worked out this summer!!
Not only is she an awesome niece, she's a pretty great cousin for Emma!
Garrett, Alison and Ashley ** Colorado 2006
When I was in college at K-State, Alison and her family (my sister Lianne's) lived in Wichita, less than two hours away. They were the closest family to me, so I would drive there about once a month to spend time with them (and enjoy a hot, home-cooked, non-dorm-style meal. I didn't have to go through a long line with a large tray and I didn't panic if I had forgotten to bring my student ID. It was beautiful.) Anyway, as I watched my sister and her husband parent their three children, I grew to love and respect them more and more. I loved my trips to Wichita and learned about "date nights" during that time. I would babysit the kids while Lianne and Jeff took time out for their marriage. Sometimes it was for a few hours; sometimes for two nights. I'd take the kids to Sonic, which was conveniently located a half mile from their house. That became our fun little "Aunt Sandi" thing to do. I remember when Alison was about 3; she had memorized her birth date. She had a habit of drawing out the last syllable of the last word of a sentence and it was pretty funny most of the time. When I asked her when her birthday was, she replied, "June niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnne." To this day, I have not forgotten her birthday!
Happy Happy Birthday Alison!! You are an incredibly special niece, friend, cousin, girl and I'm looking forward to the day you can come live with me!! We love you!!