Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Schrag Family Time. . .

Grandma and Grandpa with the grandkids

Three of the four boys were home (Jon, Steve, Kevin)

Emma with her cousins Jakob, Noah and Ben

Emma loved Keely (Steve and Maggie's dog). She laid in the grass with her, let the dog give her kisses, and she even tried to ride her. Keely was so sweet and didn't even flinch!
She looks like a little jockey here!
We had such a great time with Grandma and Grandpa. We arrived in Moundridge on Tuesday the 10th. Steve and Maggie and their three boys came on Thursday night and then Kevin flew into Wichita on Friday. We saw lots of family while we were in Moundridge and our time there went by waaaaayyyyy to fast! I was also able to make a day trip to Wichita to see two college girlfriends, Amy and Abbe. As always, time was too short and I found myself wishing I lived closer. We left the Schrags on Sunday afternoon and headed to Ottuwma. I was so grateful for our time on the farm. Emma ran around and screamed like I've never heard her scream before. She giggled and squealed and jumped and played so hard every day we were there! She seemed to really enjoy her male cousins. It's fun to see her interacting with them now and I'm looking forward to watching them grow up together! Words can't really express how full my heart was when we left. My grandparents died (at ages 96 and 97) when I was about ten years old. While I remember going to their house (only a mile away), I don't have very many memories of really being with them. There's something really sweet about going to "Grandma's" house. Life is just more fun there. I kind of checked out of parenting because Emma was so involved with her grandparents! My in-laws are just wonderful people and they are incredible grandparents!! Someday, we'll live closer and our trips to their home will be more frequent. I look forward to that day!