Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Borboleta. . .

Almost three weeks had passed since the caterpillars climbed the walls. We watched them climb, attach themselves to our walls, and then build cocoons around their hairy bodies. It was amazing! I haven't seen something like that since grade school! Every day for the last few weeks, Emma and I would take a little field trip around our yard, checking out the cocoons. Five of them!! She loved to give her daddy updates on what the little guys were doing (nothing).
One day I looked outside to see the above picture. The butterfly had emerged from his cocoon and was attempting to spread his wings to fly. Emma was fascinated! We had read books about caterpillars turning into butterflies and I had been telling her for weeks what was going to happen, but to see it with her very own eyes was just amazing!! She couldn't wait to tell her daddy when he came home! So, there's our science class:)
P.S. Butterfly is borboleta.