Friday, December 31, 2010

Mammoth Spider. . .

I about died when I saw this monster. I was backing out of the garage when I saw him. Of course I had to take a picture. He was bigger than Emma's hand and I needed proof. I was scared he was going to jump on me if I used the broom to swat him, so I grabbed the can of bug spray instead. I took aim and fired. He must have weighed five pounds because he dropped six feet to the ground in like .007 seconds!! (I think he did a few backflips on the way down). He scurried into the bush next to the garage door and I have no idea if he died a slow death or if he's still laughing at me from the safety of the outdoors. I'm trying to convince myself that he died a slow death from inhaling the potent spray that I so expertly aimed at his head. (Trying is the key word.)