Monday, November 21, 2011

Decorating for Christmas. . .

Last Tuesday was a holiday here, so we slept in and lounged around for the morning. Out of the blue, Emma said, "Mommy! We should decorate for Christmas!!" We had nothing else planned for the day, so we figured we might as well. I only brought one small tote of decorations with me to the apartment, but it was pretty full of little goodies for Emma. We have a small, fake Christmas tree that I pulled out of someone's trash several years ago. Quite a deal! I'm so glad we have it!! We turned on some Christmas music, lit my Mulled Cider candle and decorated a small area of our apartment. It didn't take long, but Emma played with the decorations and her Santa hat for the rest of the day! A week later, she's still having fun with them!

This last picture reminds me of when Emma was a baby. Her face looks a little older, but sometimes her eyes still look like they did when she was born. I love her big, blue eyes. I love her tiny, little nose and her sweet cheeks. Her lips remind me of her daddy and I love those, too. I love everything about her cute face.