Monday, November 14, 2011

Escadaria Selaron & Parque das Ruinas. . .

These steps are one of my favorite places in Brazil. I love the bright colors and the creativity of the artist. He's been adding tiles to these steps for over 30 years. Apparently, he's a bit strange, but then again, aren't most artists?? That's what makes them so good at what they do! It was starting to rain, so we didn't stay long at the steps, but long enough to capture a few fun pics!

We had a tour guide for the last few hours we were in Rio. She took us to parts of Santa Teresa neighborhood that we hadn't seen on our trip there last year. We visited the Parque das Ruinas, the ruins of an old mansion that belonged to a wealthy heiress many years ago. We were told that she would have elegant parties for the rich and intellectuals. There were several stories to the mansion but the view from the top was the best. The first two pictures are from one of the gardens and behind us is Centro, the center of Rio de Janeiro. You can see the easily identifiable Metropolitan Church of Rio. It gives you an idea of how large the church is from a bird's eye view and also an idea of how high up we are at the mansion. The last picture is the view from the highest point of the property. It felt like we were at the top of a lighthouse looking out towards the water. Sugar Loaf is the mountain to the left that Kevin and Steve climbed a few days earlier. What an incredible city to visit. We are so happy we were able to do it again and that we were able to do it with family!