Thursday, November 17, 2011

Moving Day. . .

This was the scene at our house a month ago today:

Boxes, boxes everywhere!!! A month ago we said goodbye to our home of 2+ years. I wasn't very sad, but I'm kind of starting to realize that the sadness doesn't hit me until much later when it comes to moving. Maybe it was easy to leave because it never really was our house to begin with. After four weeks of living in our apartment, there's not a lot I miss. However, one thing I do miss is my clean garage. Never again will I have a garage floor as nice and clean as we did in that home! Other than that, I'm not missing much. Emma, on the other hand, has been more emotional than I would have guessed. We went to our old house last weekend to say hi to the new owners and answer some questions. The wife, Ana, was so sweet and asked Emma if she'd like to go see her old room. Emma smiled and ran through the house, looking at all the new owners' belongings. When she got to her room, she started crying and said she missed her home and her room and the play room. Then she ran outside and said she missed picking flowers and giving them to me. I about started crying, too. The new owners are very nice and said we can come over anytime and use the pool and play in the yard. We might just have to do that and, as the Brazilians say, "matar a saudade", which translates to "kill the missing". Aside from Emma being emotional last weekend, I feel like it's been a very smooth transition. I secretly enjoyed unpacking and reorganizing and cleaning and purging more junk from what we own. When we finally move back to the U.S. I think it'll be fairly easy to pack things up! Then again, I'm not the one doing the packing, so of course it'll be easy:)

Pictures of the apartment to come. . .