Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pink Princess Christmas Tree. . .

Our family went to Santa Rosa on Saturday for lunch and a visit to Nacional, the large WalMart-owned grocery store. The 40-minute drive was worth the trip for many reasons, but one in particular. While wandering around the grocery store, I spotted a tiny pink Christmas tree. I called Emma over before I had even checked the price. Her eyes were huge and the smile on her face was contagious. As I reached down to turn over the price tag, I prayed that it wasn't ridiculously priced like most things here seem to be. R$6. Probably more expensive than I'd find at the Dollar store, but way cheaper than I expected!! Before she could even think to ask for it, I handed it to Emma and told her to go find her daddy and ask him what he thought. She practically flew through the store looking for him, her pretty pink Christmas tree in tow. He laughed when he saw it and checked the price tag, too. I could see in his eyes that he was thankful it was so cheap, too. Emma's never really whined or complained about getting things at the store. In general, we just get what we need and she doesn't get a gift or candy or the newest toy that's on the shelves. It makes it really easy to want to buy her something like the pink tree. She held her little gift on her lap the whole way home and talked about how she was going to decorate it. I think she spent a few hours decorating and redecorating that afternoon. At some point, she decided she needed to put on her pink dress and tiara so she could be a princess next to her princess tree. I love to see her so excited about a R$6 gift. Well, worth the trip and the money!!