Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sunday at the River Burica. . .

Sunday morning, we met up with another American family and drove to Santa Rosa for lunch. Scott and Tami's family was visiting from the U.S., so we all drove to one of our favorite restaurants. After successfully stuffing our bellies, we drove back towards Horizontina. Instead of going straight home, we took a 25-minute detour to Rio Burica. We've been there several times, but it was a first for Scott and Tami's family. The weather was beautiful and the kids were excited to play around the falls and in the water. There were so many people swimming in the river and I was jealous! I was wearing a dress, so I wasn't really tempted, but the water felt so cool on my feet and plunging in sounded so refreshing! Although the water looked clean, we're not really sure what kind of foreign bacteria make their residence there, so we opted for just wading in the water. I laugh as I remember the murky waters that I swam in as a kid. The thought never occurred to me that it was gross. Apparently, it never occurred to my parents either, as we did it for years and years! We spent a few hours at the river and then headed home, exhausted from a big meal and time in the sun. It was fun, though. I'm glad we got to meet Tami's parents and sister and Emma got to see her friend Ethan!