Sunday, March 4, 2012

Belly Shots. . .

It's very common here to have professional pictures taken during pregnancy. Originally, I hadn't planned to do them, but I really like the studio in Tres de Maio and figured I might as well do something a little Brazilian! So, when I was 34 weeks along, I had the belly shots taken.
Love, love, love this one of Kevin kissing me.
Our last photo as a family of three. . .
Then, one week before Adri was born, Emma and I went back. I saw the block idea on Pinterest and thought it was cute. We had chosen Adri's name several months before she was born, but decided not to tell anyone, which drove the Brazilians crazy! They were just shocked when we told them we didn't have a name chosen at first. After we chose her name, they were appalled that we would keep it a secret. Usually, the Brazilian women share the name of their babies the day they find out the sex, around mid-pregnancy! I think it was odd for them not to know the name and date of birth before she actually arrived. How crazy of me to wait until she's ready to come! Imagine their shock when I told them I didn't know if Emma was a boy or girl until the moment she was born!! After Emma, the photographer was the next person to know her name. She promised not to tell, though:)
Kevin thinks I'm wearing a doile-shirt in the next photo, but I like the colors. Again, the photographer had this shirt in her stash of dress-up clothes, so I wore it!
I let the photographer try some of her ideas. . . yes, Emma and I are dressed as angels. It was a little awkward and a little fun. The last time someone took pictures of just me was when I was a senior in high school!
One of my favorites. . .
I am so happy with these pictures!! I didn't have professional pics taken when I was pregnant with Emma and I've always regretted that. Granted, there's no sitting fee here and the photos are dirt cheap and they gave me a free CD with all the photos on it, so we didn't go broke:) I loved being pregnant and I love having these photos to look back on.