Wednesday, March 14, 2012

One Month Already. . .

She's a month old already! (Actually, she's 5 weeks today!) Where in the world has the time gone?? At a month old, Adri is sleeping, sleeping, sleeping, and nursing and pooping. Oh, the life!! Her wake times are getting longer and she's trying so hard to smile. She does it a lot in her sleep or when she's "making poo", but she's still trying to get the real smiling down. Her eyes open wide when she hears our familiar voices. Emma loves to hold her and sing to her. Sometimes she dances for Adri, too, which is quite entertaining.

She's so smart, too. I told her I was taking her one-month pictures and she held up the number 1. Yep, she's advanced:)

At her one-month checkup, Adri had gained right at two pounds!! She nurses so fast and I was wondering if she was getting enough. The pediatrician laughed and said, "O seu leite esta bom!" meaning, "Your milk is good!" He was surprised by her weight gain and I was happy with it. We call her chunky monkey around here. It's so interesting. . . the Brazilians just think Adri is a huge baby, born at 7 pounds. Emma was 7#3oz. and I remember Americans were always telling me how tiny she was. Guess it depends on who you're comparing them to. Compared to each other, they're perfect!

We were in a hotel room when Adri turned a month old, so the lighting isn't great for the pictures. The nasty hotel bedspreads don't make for the prettiest background, either, but I wanted to take them on the 8th, so that's what we have! Adri's eyes are so much more blue than the pictures show. Such a deep, beautiful, pure blue. Just like her sister's eyes. Oh, and her hair is very light, much lighter than Emma's was. It also has a reddish tint to it. Could it be that we'll have two redheads?? I'd love it! Happy 1-month milestone, Little Miss Adri Ann!!! We love you!!