Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Yellowstone Day 3 (Roosevelt Arch and Boiling River). . .

Elk crossing on the way to Mammoth Hot Springs. . .
These are just interesting creatures!
Let's just say the animals in this book aren't the only ones who've pooped in the park!! Something about being out in nature gives Emma the urge! Seriously, I can't even count the number of times we've been outdoors when I've heard her say, "Mommy! I need to go NOW!!!" Well, we weren't actually outdoors, but we were in the middle of the park and nature called. We opened the van door and hung her out over the edge, much like we used to do when she was potty training in Brazil! (I can't believe she's 6 and we're still doing that!!) She felt much better afterward! When I found this book at the visitor's center near the arch, I just had to get it! It's actually a really neat book that talks about the different poops animals leave behind! Now we can add Emma's name to the book:)
Noah and Ben found this black bear intriguing!
The Roosevelt Arch marks the north entrance to Yellowstone National Park. The cornerstone was laid by President Roosevelt himself in 1903 and covers a time capsule that contains a Bible, a picture of Roosevelt, local newspapers, and other items. The top inscription reads, "For the Benefit and Enjoyment of the People".
Schrag cousins, Ben (7), Emma (6), Noah (9), Adri (18mos), Jakob (12)
Tim and Bethany
Our family. . .
Steve and Maggie, Jakob, Noah and Ben
Jon and Krista
We left the arch and drove down to the Boiling River, which is actually a hot spring that meets up with the Gardiner River. It's called the Boiling River because there's a hot spring that really is boiling! We had to walk about a half mile to get to the swimming area. First, we ate a picnic lunch along the river and then changed into our river clothes. The path along the river was peaceful and pretty.
Of course the kids loved playing in the river. We found an interesting creature stuck among the rocks and we all just had a great time enjoying the warm water!
The Boiling River is on the left bank. Over the years, people have built up a sort of divider between the scalding hot spring and the chilly Gardiner River. The barrier doesn't separate the waters completely, though. As I began walking into the river with Adri, many people were nervous and began warning me that it was going to get hot. For some reason, I thought the water would be a pleasantly warm temperature. . . you know, hot + cold = warm?? Well, that's not the case in this river. It's either scalding hot or freezing cold. There were a few places where it was warm, but I had to wonder if people had just peed in those areas. It was interesting. I was really amazed at how hot the spring was!
The Boiling River comes out from under these rocks and flows into the Gardiner River which then flows into the Yellowstone River. I was continually amazed by the natural beauty we witnessed and I just think God is pretty creative.

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