Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Zoo Field Trip. . .

As part of fulfilling legal requirements for homeschooling, I have to meet with a certified teacher several times during the school year. I really like our teacher and she's been a great resource for me on this journey. Along with our meetings, she organizes events for homeschool families as a way to meet others and get to know the community. Our first meeting with the group was at the zoo in September. It was a perfect day for the zoo and the girls were so excited! We rode the train around the zoo, which is actually one of my favorite reasons to go there!
Emma loves the statues almost as much as the real animals!
Both girls love feeding the goats. Crazy goats.
I'm amazed every time I see the giraffe!
Another one of my favorites!
This was Emma's first time alone on the carousel. I had Adri and wasn't going to leave her, so Emma decided she was big enough to go on her own. She's been big enough for a while now, but I think she secretly enjoys the comfort of having her mom or dad right next to her!!
It was fun for me to see her play with her friends. I feel like she's getting to know some other girls better this year. So far, the girls are great and I'm really excited about those friendships. Kate, in the pink next to Emma, is in her class on Mondays and also goes to AWANA on Tuesday nights. Her mom is one of my new favorites to be around and I'm thankful for the friendships I'm building this year!
The kids had a great time and I did, too!!

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