For over twenty years, I've had the daily habit of waking up, grabbing my glasses and heading to the bathroom where my best plastic friends awaited. I've been through more bottles of contact solution than I can remember and spent insane amounts of money on the tiny lenses that gave me 20/20 vision. I rarely wore my glasses during the day, so not renewing my prescription wasn't really an option in my book.
Well, on December 2, 2013, I wore my glasses for the last time. I had been out of contacts off and on for almost two months while my doctor did all the necessary testing on my eyes. I entered the office early that morning and let a man with a laser zap my eyeballs and reshape them so I could see perfectly. It was a fabulous experience and so worth it! Eight months later, I have had zero problems and my vision is amazing! I'm so grateful and amazed!
Bye, bye Acuvue! You've been a great friend to my astigmatisms!!
Bye, bye Bausch & Lomb. . . you always were overpriced! I won't miss you.
Bye, bye nasty, light greenish, fifteen-year old lens case. . . we've been around the world together. When I first met you, I was determined to never lose you. I'll keep you in a drawer for a while so I can reminisce about the good ole days.
Prepping for LASIK eye surgery. Prep was easy. Xanax helped. I've never taken that before! I was a little happy and relaxed. The nurses were very matter-of-fact about the whole procedure. I tried really hard to hide my fear. They gave me a football to hold during the surgery. I was secretly hoping they'd put me in a straightjacket and knock me out. Nope. Instead, I was wide awake, staring at a blinking light on the ceiling. I heard a zapping sound and smelled something burning. My cornea had been sliced and pulled back so the surgeon could do his magic. I heard the nurse say something like, "Begin. . . 28, 27, 26. . ." Seriously, each eye was zapped into perfection in less than thirty seconds. I was in the actual surgery room for about seven minutes. Ten minutes after my vision was corrected, I called Kevin and he came to pick me up from the office. I used the eyedrops I was given and slept the day away!
Post-op prettiness!!
I was feeling so great by the evening that we decided to go back to the office to get my van. We went into Chipotle for dinner and I didn't care that I was still wearing my protective goggles. I was so excited to be seeing perfectly! All my post-op appointments went really well and I have had no dryness, itchiness or any sort of irritation. It was an amazing experience and I will forever be grateful to Dr. Phinney for his amazing talent!
PS While this sounds all wonderfully fabulous, there were times when I wanted to vomit because of the fear. I chose to ignore it and trust the doctors with my eyeballs. It was a pretty big deal, but I felt ready. I was so thankful for the months of preparation that went into making this a great experience!!
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