Saturday, June 4, 2011

Alone with Papa Ben. . .

Most of the time we spend with my dad is shared with at least a few of my siblings and their kids. It's a rare occurrence to have one-on-one time with him because of all the children and grandchildren. This time was different. We woke up the Monday after Easter and just spent time talking with him. He loves to give away "treasures" that he's found at auctions or flea markets and Emma was almost giddy with anticipation of what he was going to give her! I was able to just sit and talk with my dad for a few hours, one-on-one. It was good for me and I think good for Emma to get to hang out with her other grandpa by herself. (She's the only granddaughter on Kevin's side, but she's one of 49 grandchildren on my side, with two more on the way).

We left my dad's and drove to my sister Sharon's house, north of Burlington, CO. I had planned to go on to my sister Janette's house (four miles further), but rain had caused the dirt roads to be dangerous in my dad's Lincoln. I actually screamed a few times as the car fish-tailed toward the ditch. Fortunately, we made it the one mile to Sharon's house from the main highway. After eating lunch with her family (the kids were out of school for a holiday), we piled into her 4-wheel drive, beast of a vehicle and easily drove on to Janette's, where we spent a few hours. Emma played with eight of her cousins while I got a massage from one of the older ones. It was a relaxing afternoon and something I would love to do more often if I lived closer!!