Sunday, August 7, 2011

Denver Zoo. . .

My sister Lori and I took our girls to the Denver Zoo one day. When we were kids, our parents used to take us to Denver for short vacations. Usually we'd visit the zoo, the museum, the Aurora Mall, and then eat at Chik-fil-A. I don't remember much from the visits to the zoo, but I do remember that they used to let people ride the elephants. Sadly, there were no opportunities to ride elephants. After walking a few hours, the girls did get to ride in the jogging stroller together. Not nearly as much fun as an elephant ride, but hey, they were OK with it. I loved being able to play with Emma and take her to do fun things that she enjoyed. As much as I love being here in Brasil, sometimes I miss being able to take her to fun places like a big pool or the zoo. I'm so thankful for the visits to the U.S., especially when we get to do fun things like that with family!