Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Play Date with Livia. . .

Last Thursday, my friend Catia came over to visit with her daughter Livia. Catia was one of the first Brazilians I met here in Horizontina because she's the owner of the hotel where we stayed for the first three months. I love that she taught me so much Portuguese in those first few months and now our conversations are entirely in her language. I really enjoy our time together and it's been fun to watch our girls interact. Livia is two years younger than Emma, but they play well together. We pulled out the dress up clothes and the girls changed outfits and ran around the party room giggling. Livia found the fairy wings and pretended she was flying. It was so hard for her to take them off when it was time to go. She loved being a little butterfly.

Check out their shoes. . .

Kevin was traveling last week, so having Catia over for the evening made the time pass quickly. He leaves again today for Porto Alegre, so I'm thinking I'm going to have to have another play date! I am so thankful for friends and little girls and play dates and dress up clothes and fairy wings! What a fun night!