Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christmas Program. . .

Emma and her girlfriends were so cute as they prepared for their program. All the classes performed separate stories from the Bible and then came together at the end to sing a song about Jesus. Emma's class told the story of when Jesus and his disciples were in a boat and a storm came. Jesus calmed the storm to the amazement of his disciples. Emma and several of her classmates were the "water" and pretended to be a storm. She was such a good little storm-maker. Kevin and I have been surprised - as of late, our little girl has decided she likes to perform and have her picture taken. She's always been so shy and anti-performance. Now she begs us to watch her as she sings a song and she asks me to take her picture countless times during the week!! It's been fun to watch her change.

Profe (Teacher) Cris and Emma, after getting her gift from Santa (aka - the school).