Thursday, November 1, 2012

Our Little Pumpkin. . .

This is how the photo shoot started. . .
Then it got better and she was a happy little lady for a while:)
Hmmm. . .what's down there??
We had so much fun. . . until the end. It didn't start out too well because I kind of had to shimmy Adri's legs into the square holes. It would have been wise to cut them larger, but I didn't, so I jiggled her tiny legs through the holes. Once she was in, it wasn't too bad and she seemed to be having a jolly time in there. After taking a few pictures, I decided she probably needed a bath. I tried to lift her gently out of the pumpkin and her legs were stuck. I pulled and jiggled and and pushed and she started crying. Like huge tears rolling down her face type of crying! I couldn't get her legs out! Finally, I told Emma to run get me a sharp knife and bring it to me. I didn't even discipline her for running towards me with the knife in her hand! I had to cut out the section between the square holes to get Adri's legs out. Seconds later, she was calm and smiling again. I guess it was worth it for the cute pictures!!


Julie said...

I'm not sure if I should laugh or report you to DHS. Just kidding...that is awesome!! I have never seen someone actually do this--so cute and fun to tell her about when she is older!
PS Call you soon...thanks for calling on B man's birthday! We were at Pizza Ranch :)

Karla said...

I love the one of her looking down into the cute!